Bowel Cancer Screening
Do you know the high 5?
Do you #Knowthehigh5 signs and symptoms of bowel cancer? Bowel Cancer UK is testing your knowledge with a quiz that gives you the chance to WIN one year's worth of Andrex toilet roll.
To take part 👉
To learn about bowel screening 👉
📷*Photo of Lisa Jelley, ACP & PCN Clinical Lead
Bowel cancer is one of the most common cancers. In the UK, 43,000 people are diagnosed with it and over 16,500 people die from it each year – more than 45 a day. Those who complete bowel cancer screening are 25% less likely to die of bowel cancer.
In Horsham, there are over 2,100 people currently outstanding a bowel cancer screen. If you need a new FIT kit, or you're 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every 2 years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60. If you are 60-74 years old, you will be offered a FIT test every 2 years.
If you're worried about a family history of bowel cancer or have any symptoms, speak to a GP for advice.