Personal Stories

18th May 2023

Kim Trickey - PCN Social Prescriber - Crohns Disease

"I was diagnosed with Crohns during my third year at University whilst completing a placement in London. I had severe stomach cramps, change in bowel movements, extreme fatigue, headaches, fainting and sometimes sickness that occurred at least twice a month. I went to my GP for a blood test and they found my inflammation levels were higher than normal. Soon after this, I had a colonoscopy, which confirmed mild crohns. I now have medication that I take to help settle symptoms if they become painful however, I noticed some foods were causing the problem as well. So now, I am more mindful of cutting those foods out of my diet. Other people I know with Crohns have varying symptoms and have had major surgery, others similar to myself, can minimise the symptoms with medication and being more aware of how food and drink influences their condition. Crohns is often hidden regardless of how you may feel with it but for some people it can affect their lives in so many different ways. Stress and tiredness can also play a big part in experiences an episode of Crohns for some people and for some exercise helps and for others it can make symptoms worse."